Affording St. Cyril
Love God | Love Learning | Love Self | Love Others
We strive to provide a comprehensive and innovative curriculum for our students at an affordable tuition rate. We believe that a Catholic education should be an option for any family that wants to provide it for their child.
Please see our after-school care options and pricing by clicking HERE.
Most of the 30 service hours are earned through the activities sponsored by the PTO, classroom activities, yard duty, library, office, etc. There is a fee of $25 for every hour not completed. All service hours must be completed by the end of May.
There are two choices:
(1) Payment is made in full by June 7, 2024 either with check or credit card. ($100 discount per child for paying in full by June 3, 2024). Visa /MasterCard /Amex /Discover Card /Venmo /Paypal /checks accepted
(2) Monthly payments may be made through FACTS over an 11 or 12 month payment plan beginning in June or July and ending in May. People using FACTS pay a fee of $50.00 for this service. Late fees and returned check fees: $25 per offense. Financial assistance is available to participating members of St. Cyril Parish and must be applied for online through FACTS. In order to qualify as a participating member of the parish, a family must use the envelopes at Mass at least thirty times during the calendar year.
St. Cyril School is committed to providing a Catholic Education to any student whose family values a faith-based education. Prospective families who need assistance in making Catholic education more affordable should contact the principal, Mrs. Pugliese, at